Dana Postupack ’10 and Casey Hilpert ’05

Dana Postupack ’10 and Casey Hilpert ’05

Never attending Fairfield at the same time makes Casey and Dana's story a little different than most, but upon meeting and finding out that they both attended the same university (and both played a sport!), they hit it off right away, and the rest is history! The couple had a lot to talk about — reminiscing about early morning workouts at the Athletic Center, the professors that they both had at DSB, and the mutual Fairfield U friends that they shared. It was an instant connection for them. Within two years’ time, Casey and Dana sealed the deal and planned their wedding (all in three months!), inviting fellow Stags to celebrate. The couple now live in Westchester, NY and hope to visit Fairfield together again soon!

Class Years: 2005 & 2010

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