Frequently Asked Questions

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Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you are a current or incoming student, a parent or guardian, a faculty member, staff member, or any part of the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ÊÓƵÎÞÏÞÖƹۿ´ community, we want to keep you up-to-date on our latest health protocols so you can remain an integral part of our campus life.Below you will find a host of helpful questions and answers regarding Fairfield’s plans and protocols, including important items on services, facilities, and events.

Covid-19 vaccination helps to protect against severe disease.  ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ÊÓƵÎÞÏÞÖƹۿ´ is strongly encouraging students to be up to date with their Covid-19 vaccinations.  Everyone aged 6 and older should get 1 updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine to be up to date.  Individuals at higher risk of severe disease have a special vaccination regime.

To learn more, go to:

People with Covid-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms.

Possible symptoms include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If feeling sick, eligible students can visit the Student Health Center located in Jogues Hall within the residential quad. Covid-19 testing is available at the Student Health Center.

Students testing positive for COVID-19 may call the Student Health Center clinical staff at 203-254-4000, ext. 2241 for guidance on resources and campus protocols.

ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ÊÓƵÎÞÏÞÖƹۿ´ is following is the CDC guidance regarding how long you should stay home and away from others if you test positive for COVID-19 including:   

  • You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
    • Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
    • You have not had a fever and are not using fever-reducing medication.
  • When you go back to your normal activities, take added precaution over the next five days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.

ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ÊÓƵÎÞÏÞÖƹۿ´ does not require students with positive COVID-19 tests to isolate away from their Residence Hall housing.   Students moderately ill with COVID-19 infection may be most comfortable recovering at their family home, but if this is not possible, students may remain in their campus residence until they meet the above CDC/campus criteria to return to normal activities such as attending class or engaging in campus activities with others.   As a courtesy, students testing positive for COVID-19 should notify their roommates. For more information, go to 

Yes, students should email their professors and explain that they are ill and cannot attend class.

If students will have an extended absence for medical reasons (i.e. the student is returning to their family home to recover and it is expected that the student will miss three or more days of class), certain courtesy absence notifications may be issued, but in general, students are responsible to maintain communication with their professors. The general University absence policy applies to all respiratory infections, including COVID-19 and influenza.

View the detailed University class attendance policy in the Student Handbook.

Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms from Covid-19. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from Covid-19 illness. Look for emergency warning signs for Covid-19.  If you are showing any of these signs or symptoms, seek emergency medical care immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face

Call Public Safety at 203-254-4090 or call 911. Notify the operator of your symptoms and your Covid-19 status.

Covid-19 Vaccination

  • Stay up to date on vaccines and know when to get a booster:
Talk to your healthcare provider about whether you are at high risk of getting very sick from Covid-19
  • People who are more likely to get very sick include older adults (age 50 or more, with risk increasing with age), people who are unvaccinated, and people with certain medical conditions, such as chronic lung disease, heart disease, or a weakened immune system.
In addition to vaccination, the following measures are helpful (especially for individuals at high risk of severe disease):
  • Wear a well-fitting face mask when recommended
  • Avoid crowds, poorly ventilated spaces and contact with people who are sick
  • Cover your cough with a tissue and wash your hands often
  • Monitor your health daily and stay home when you are sick
  • If you have symptoms, test soon and treat early (prescription antiviral medication treatment is indicated for individuals at risk of severe disease)

For more information go to:.

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